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                Jiangmen Muzi Wood Products Co., Ltd. was founded in 2019, and its Baoyu craft Factory, located in Xinhui District, Jiangmen city, Guangdong Province, was founded in 1980. It is a Chinese manufacturer focusing on the production and export of one-piece wooden kitchen products and household products.Products are widely sold to other regions.
                At present, the product series includes as many as thousands of styles, such as pepper and salt shaker, cutting board, paper towel rack, mark cup holder, knife block, coasters, recipe box, salad bowl, seasoning rack, etc.Since the establishment of the industry, we hold the firm spirit and efforts, and with mature technology, exquisite technology, high quality to win the praise of customers;We warmly welcome domestic and overseas customers to negotiate.


                Support OEM customization

                Processing customization with drawings and samples


                (Miss Li)
