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                Introduction of rubber wood board

                2020-12-23 508

                It's a kind of subtropical plant for rubber production. After the rubber tree is old, it can be used to make sofa, chopping board and so on. Generally, a small number of stitching boards are not good enough in the market. The color of the rubber wood cutting board is fresh and transparent, and generally will not be oiled or painted. So it looks more beautiful and neat, and it feels better to use. Hevea brasiliensis is a subtropical species and a plant that produces rubber.


                After the rubber tree is old, it can be used to make sofas, cutting boards, etc. Generally, a small number of stitching boards are not good enough in the market. The color of the rubber wood cutting board is fresh and transparent, and generally will not be oiled or painted. So it looks more beautiful and neat, and it feels better to use.

                Source: board manufacturer cortrova.com

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